Saturday, March 10, 2007


Now, before you start nagging about me posting something that involves a school lesson, stop. Why? Because I'm not. This here post is just a part of the message that I will try and hopefully succeed in making you, my friend, realize what life is all about. Let me lead you on as to how I can either make such a stupid post, or make one that just makes you stop and think. Should you get to experience the latter, then you are smart enough to understand what I'm trying to convey. Well, enough of the chit-chat;let's get down to business.

You might be wondering why I had named this post such. The answer for that is simple:the reactions and comments I got after I had told people to read it. For one, I didn't get any comment of indifference, and that for me is already proof that I am making some sense. You see, my main objective of creating such a blog was for people to be out of the shadows and realize what kind of life they are leading. Most of the people I know, people with a lot of potential, seem to follow a bandwagon and throughout their lives still continue to do so. I mean, come on, there's got to be a good reason for having freedom of thought. What use would our minds be is we just follow someone else's?

Some people actually came to me and told me that they agreed with me. Some of you may have noticed my YM status saying "not for honors class students". And others actually thought I was insulting a certain group of people(which in one way or another I was :-) ). What can you expect from such a diverse society eh? My point is, I am just beginning. Should you choose to follow this out till the end, well and good. Stop at different parts, it'll be highly appreciated. But totally disregard this, and you know you still have a lot to learn in life. It's your choice though, I can't force you to do something you have no will of doing. Then again, I'm hoping you make the right one.

Victory without honor is dead. Victory is nothing without honor.

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