Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Premature Farewell

It seems to me that both time and emotion has made it impossible for me to carry out the task I was so intent on finishing. Now, I do not and will not utilize this chance to go all-emotional on you friend. No, that is not my style, and you know it. Let' s just say that the only permanent thing in this world is constant change, and it may seem that a certain change has struck me to my core and caused a paradigm shift on my railway of thought. I will not assume that I can successfully make you understand what I am trying to imply. You see friend, it is but natural in all of us to be philosophizing certain aspects in life, as you may noticed if you scroll down this page and get to read my earlier posts. Screw me then.

Before, when life was full of mystery and wonder, I could not help but imagine why people become so naive when it comes to goals and responsibilities. Take for example the idea of a promising future; whatever we (or our parents for that matter) do so that such a promise "could" be made. Stupid gits. For one, you're practically saying that the future is some room that you pre-furnish just so that the next occupants(meaning you're spoiled-ass children) can get the chance to destroy everything you've oh-so-worked hard for. And two, you're not psychic, dumbass. Having just shown what anger I have in me, let me just make myself more clear: so with everything else in this world, I have changed. Simple as that. If you can't understand a simple three-word statement, then stop reading this blog and get a life. Seriously. Now don't go and start blaming me on being this rude, malicious bastard. If you do so then maybe you haven't actually heard the word honesty before, or you don't speak English. I do not care. Now on to the serious part. Life has it's way of biting you back where it can hurt the most. I started this blog in the context of being able to let people open their eyes up and start to actually "think". But as I see it, very few people do so. It's either they deliberately choose not to, don't have enough time to, or are just incapable of doing so. Psh. I'm honestly fed up with how the world runs today. Screw you if you sympathize with me, you guys have already done the damage.

Once and for all, let me make myself clearer than what I have tried to always been. I have changed. My points have changed. My sides are not anymore what they were. Yet, amongst all these, I shall forever remain loyal to my principles, and to the way of life I have committed myself to follow. I cannot give the assurance that you shall hear from me soon, or even hear from me ever again, but rest assured friend, I am always one e-mail away from hearing you out. Ciao.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

1 comment:

kat said...

feel naku ruff imu na gi hurot tnan swear words sa dictionary. hahahahahaha. chill lang oi.

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