Sunday, June 22, 2008


There's a belief going on around the world that says that angels live among us. On one perspective, this could have completely religious ties and backgrounds. However, the mere concept of an "angel" is personally too multi-dimensional to be put into descriptive words. One cannot simply fathom a being that may be lesser than God, yet greater than any human being alive. However, can't an angel be a human being at the same time?

Nearing my eighteenth year in this world, realizations have come to me that in fact, angels do exist. No, I do not mean human-like figures wearing white robes with wings attached to their backs coming down from the heavens enveloped in a bright shining aura (that's just too dramatic for me). What I do mean, however, is the day-to-day people you get to meet, the acquaintances you greet "hello!" to, the total stranger who asks you directions on where the cafeteria may be, or even your current love interest. No matter who this person may be, you have to feel blessed that your path in life crossed with such a blessing which you can never forget. No, my friend, do not react and say that you have never seen such a person in your life. The simple fact is that you have failed to recognize such a person existing in your life. Not unless you lead a life wherein the word "friends" do not exist (and if you did, you wouldn't be reading this post), then I'm pretty much sure you have such in your life.

So let's say you are now thinking as to who these people may be. We know for sure that that person has pretty much influenced your life in ways more than once. But a question beckons you into asking transcendentally what the presence of this "angel" means for your life. More often than not, people are contented with shoving this thought aside, thinking that these "angels" are there for their personal gain, and though they are given credit, one can settle for unanswered questions in lieu of a question-free life. However, there are those that still question, looking beyond the things the majority see and try to look for an answer to a question only few minds have opened up to. And it is by doing such, that we truly recognize the importance these "angels" play in our lives. From being our everyday idols, to our reliable confidante, and even our special someone (yes, they do count), these blessings-in-person are there not just to lead us through life, but to walk beside us as well, helping us learn in the process. It doesn't even matter if they stray away ocassionally or even for extended periods of time, because we very well trust in them to be there for us when we need them the most, just sitting idly by the street side and watching us from afar, waiting to pick us up when we fall down and ultimately letting us realize that we have to learn to pick ourselves up eventually. Why, you ask? Simply because it is a known fact that things will always change, and we come to realize that what if these "angels" have changed or are not present anymore? Who do we have left? Nothing? No! For if you look at it, we always have those memories in us, whether we like it or not. And honestly, memories can mean a lot more than the present.

Sweet nothings actually mean something.

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